02-05-15 New aircraft for Campbeltown route

The first of two new aircraft to serve the lifeline air service linking Barra, Tiree and Campbeltown with Glasgow has arrived in Scotland.
Canadian company Viking Air Limited is providing two Twin Otter DHC6-400.
The route is officially designated as a public service obligation and would not be commercially viable without support from the Scottish government.
AirTeamImages.com photographed the first of the new planes in Iceland while it was en route to Glasgow.
The new planes were expected to have been operating by April last year.
However, the process of purchasing them took longer than expected.
The government announced two years ago that it planned to buy two new replacements for the existing Twin Otter aircraft - owned and operated by Loganair, whose contract to serve the lifeline route comes up for renewal next year.
The aircraft must be twin engine and able to land on Barra's beach runway.

[The Carradale Goat]

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