02-03-05 EKCC Election Fever
With March now upon us we can expect to receiving our ballot papers for the upcoming EKCC election, assuming you're listed on the Electoral Roll for the area. Remember postal votes need to be returned by 7 April in order to be counted.

So far there has been a distinct lack of canvassing by any of the candidates. Whether this is because it is assumed that anyone that is standing is well known about the village or simply that they haven't gotten round to it yet.

I'd like to remind the candidates that not everyone has lived here for a long time and so if they'd like to receive a vote they should get out there and 'press the flesh', or at least draft a note that can be letterbox-dropped or maybe published in The Antler.

Here at Goat HQ we'd be happy to accept a short note from any of the candidates and reproduce it here for all to see. Just use the email link below.

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