01-09-06 Week End Update
The next meeting of the East Kintyre Community Council is on Thursday, 7 September 2006 at 7pm in the village hall.

Amongst the items on the agenda are the planning application for houses at Tosh's Park, the Port Righ outfall pipe, Countryside Access Code exemptions, and the War Memorial.

We've been supplied with two photos for the Bygone Photos section of the website. Both show John Paterson at the shark processing factory that was operated from Carradale in the 1930s and 1940s, and one also shows Mary Fisher (now Paterson) as a young girl.

There is also a new panoramic picture of Carradale Bay and Beach in the Panoramic Pictures section, taken from the Waterfoot end of the beach yesterday.

[Shield Bug]Allison Napier identified yesterday's creepy-crawly as being a variety of Shield Bug and pointed me towards a great website called Garden Safari which has lots of photos and descriptions.

Likely candidates are either a Parent bug or a Forest bug which you don't usually find outside of woodland.

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