01-01-07 New Year Cleanup
Hogmanay was a night to remember in Carradale this year, but not for the usual reasons!

If the strong winds and driving rain weren't enough, we also lost the mains electricity supply soon after 7pm on New Year's Eve.

Gusts were recorded at 85mph in nearby Campbeltown and Carradale's electricity was only restored at 2pm on New Year's Day.
[Tree Down in Carradale][Tree Down in Carradale]
The storm brought down a tree close to Kiloran House and the turning to Tosh's Park, partially blocking the road, and another came down across the path along the Avenue.

I didn't venture out myself but last night's Hogmanay Party went ahead as planned with as many as a hundred residents and visitors braving the extreme weather to see-in the New Year. The 'Spirit of the Blitz' was much in evidence with beer being poured and food served by candle-light whilst outside the elements raged.

Happy New Year to all our family, friends, neighbours, and readers.

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