31-12-09 Its Hogmanay Again
This year has just flown in and were about to enter 2010.
The weather is looking good for visitors and friends travelling to the area.The roads are all clear but watch out if walking for the icy bits on the side roads in some parts of the village.
Hogmanay party in the Glen Bar and Restaurant 8pm till 2am, live music, free food and free entry.There will also probably be celebrations over in the Cruban Bar of the Carradale Hotel, just pop in and have a look.
Have a good time where ever you are.
Its the last day for votes on the forargyll.com website.Voting closes at midnight tonight.
We would wish your support for the Carradale Goat website PLEASE VOTE by clicking HERE - simply scroll down to the community web site section.
Being in the final 3 is an achievment on its own, to win would be very nice.
Good luck to the finalists.
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