31-10-15 EKCC Meeting
November 5th @ 7pm Village Hall.
Click HERE for the new EKCC website with all minutes and further A&B information.
![[The Carradale Goat]](../media/ekccnovagenda2015.jpg)
Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall
1st October 2015
Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Elizabeth McMillan (EM)(Treasurer), Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Bill Bidmead, David Prag
In attendance
Robin Currie(RC) and John Armour (JA), PC Harper
6 Members of the public (MoP)
1. Welcome and apologies -
At 7pm Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from - Anne Horn
Stuart apologised for the late production of the agenda.
2. Minutes of last meeting 3/9/15
Proposed by Ronnie Brownie, seconded by Robert Strang
3. Matters arising
Joy Bidmead asked for an amendment to be made to the last minutes 3 jobs (not 5) will be lost with the closing of Abbeyfield (this amendment was requested via email to ES)
ES reported that tyre damage to a grassy area in Tormhor was repaired after an email to ACHA from ES.
ES has emailed Alan Milstead for an update on the village signs but not reply as yet.
Cemetery update the new part has now been fenced with gates.
4. Treasurers report
The balance as of 1/10/15 is £2001.83
5. SSE update
ES to check if the letter sent to the CEO of SSE got the EKCCs letter of thanks for all the work that has been done in the community ES to email Andy Malkin.
Action ES to email Andy Malkin.
6. WW1 exhibition
The Battle of Loos exhibition was a great success and the Carradale exhibit was well received EKCC would like to thank Christine Richie and Charles McMillan for their hard work with this.
7. Pavillion Public Toilet
The new baby changing table has arrived and RS will look into having it installed.
Action SI and RS to move this forward.
8. Planning
No relevant planning applications this month. Bill Bidmead told us of a peculiarity the two plots near him have for sale signs up and the website says they are for houses with full planning permission Bill contacted the estate agent and they know nothing about it and the planning department also know nothing about this planning permission
Action RC offered to look into this.
9. ACHA repairs
RS told us that his house has now had scaffolding up for 12 weeks and that the Gulls house has not had anything done to it yet other houses in the village are ongoing with the cladding.
ACHA has a welfare officer who has requested to attend a meeting it was agreed to invite her to the next meeting.
Action ES to contact ACHA
10. Web site
David Prag told us that EKCC website is now live and has cost David £11.75 he will be reimbursed.
David is hoping that local groups will also use this as a platform to share their events and information. The address for the website is http://eastkintyrecc.org
Please contact David david_prag@yahoo.com if you want anything included on the website
Many thanks to David for all this work,
11. AOCB
Dick Walsh ABC has been in touch with SI regarding the proposed boundary changes the council agreed that we know very little about this and will look into it and perhaps put up some posters about it to make sure the community is well informed EKCC have to respond by 24/20/15 with the thoughts of the community.
Action SI to email Dick Walshs email out to all councillors then to be taken forward.
A request was made to ask the FCS to cut the branches of the lower walk
Action RS to contact FCS and make the request.
RS said that the bushes around the bend at the Moineruadh corner are growing into the road
Action SI to email ABC roads dept. ? SI told us that he has had confirmation from ABC that budget has been set aside for overlay to be laid on the north part of the B842 (from Crossaig north) in 2016.
12. Date of next meeting
7pm 5/11/15
Next meeting -
Fiona Evamy Welfare Rights Officer from ACHA will be attending the next meeting and giving a short presentation on
Providing a one-to-one confidential welfare rights service to all tenants. The principal aim of the project is to maximise income and offer help and advice with regards to benefits available for the sick and disabled, retired, those in or out of work, families, young people and carers;
Referring tenants to receive specialist money advice to tenants that are in difficulty by utilising our partnership with Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
Requesting that each tenant complete a survey to determine IT access and ability. The project also identifies a baseline study of digital skills and the potential impact of the introduction of Universal Credit. We support tenants by making appropriate referrals to local agencies that can assist.
There will be a meeting of the EKWFT immediately following this one to discuss any applications for funding.
Stuart closed the meeting at 7.40pm and thanked everyone for attending.
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