31-03-16 EKCC April Meeting
7th April 2015 @ 7pm.

[The Carradale Goat]. Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall
3rd March 2016

Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Charles McMillan(CM) Morag Adams(MA)

In attendance –
Anne Horn (AH) Donald Kelly (DK), PC Harper (PH)
5 Members of the public (MoP)

1. Welcome
At 7pm – Eleanor Sloan welcomed attendees, explained that Stuart was away and that she was standing in as Convenor for this meeting and started the meeting.
ES said that the East Kintyre Community Council wanted to pass on their condolences and respect on to the family of Donald Macalister-hall who sadly passed away – the council held him in high regard and were very gratefully for all the work and time he has given our community over the years. He will be sadly missed.

2. Apologies
Apologies from – Stuart Irvine, Elizabeth McMillan (Treasurer), Bill Bidmead

3. Minutes of last meeting – 4/2/16
Proposed by Ronnie Brownie, seconded by Robert Strang

4. Matters arising
AH reported that she has passed on the report of flooding at Toshs park and An Croit to ABC via the members portal.

5. Treasurers report
As Elizabeth McMillan and SI were absent there was no report to present. SI asked ES to announce that Elizabeth has offered her resignation from the EKCC and that the position of treasurer will be available – Charles McMillan was interested in taking this on – however as he is a co-opted member it may not be possible for him to take on this role – ES to look into with SI.

6. Possible car park at Well park
SI has suggested that if SSE cannot do the car parking work soon it may be prudent to ask the Gulls to take on the ground work – RS reassured us that SSE will be able to do it in 2 - 3 weeks.

7. Patient Transport
AH reported that the issue of removing funding for patient transport is no longer relevant and all is as before.

8. Planning
No relevant planning this month.

9. Roads
All members of the EKCC received an email from David Steele who damaged his car in May 2015 on the B842 and has now received compensation from ABC. He urges everyone to keep up their vigilance over the state of the road, and to report it to ABC.
It was mentioned that the road from Carradale to Campbeltown was getting bad again, as was the area at the village hall.
There is less money in the council road budget this year – however it was agreed to keep up a regular communication with ABC regarding the state of our roads – AH agreed to get ES the contact email address for the current road officer.
Action – AH to pass on email address to ES

10. ACHA repairs
Ongoing internal works at Toshs park. AH will chase up.

11. First Responder Scheme
Dr Elder emailed ES with an update
There will be a meeting with Murray McEwan and his team from the Ambulance service on 14/4/16 at 7pm at the Carradale Meeting Room – anyone interested in finding out more are all welcome to attend.

12. Emergency Plan/missing bag
The missing emergency bag has been located and is safely in the village hall with all the other emergency items
ES to arrange emergency plan meeting soon

13. Beach Clean
It was agreed to arrange another beach clean for April – ES to organise a date.

14. AOCB
• ES asked if anyone knew who was responsible for keeping the footpath from the tinkers track to Port na Storm clear as it was becoming very overgrown – ES to check with SI
• RS said that the verge of the first right hand corner after you leave the village heading north is becoming very over grown on both sides – one side is ABC responsibility and the other is private – RS agreed to approach the owners of the beech hedge and AH will contact ABC
Action – AH to report this to ABC, RS to approach owners
• The agreed three weekly bin collection was discussed and we were told there would be new recycling bins issued to sit alongside the green wheelie bins
• We discussed the council consultation document and Donald Kelly told us that 1600 people out of a population of 65,000 responded to the survey.
• DK gave us some news from South Kintyre
– a new Seasports centre is being proposed for Campbeltown – a business case is being prepared at the moment.
- Marine Harvest are looking at more development at their Machrihanish site – which would result in 6 million pound investment and 12 new staff.
- There is a trial being proposed for a land based salmon farm at Machrihanish air base.
- CGS – building and preparation work for the new school will start in April
- It is hoped to know the outcome of the space port proposal by the end of the year.
• ES said that in another area – the local school were offering to host a local library – to replace the mobile library that is to be removed – is this an idea for East Kintyre?
• Brian Gee said that there are large trestle tables in the village hall that belong to the community and would it be ok if they were removed – EKCC said they were happy to go along with the village hall committee decision.
• Alan Milstead said he had been asked to get other quotes for repair to the bay bridge – so he presented them to the meeting
- £1000 to strip all upper and board wood and replace
- £2000 to strip all wood and replace telegraph poles with linger pieces that would sit higher up the bank.
RS and RB said that they had spoken to Jake Harvey who agreed to fix the bridge for a lot less – ES asked them to get a quote from Jake and email it round the EKCC asap for agreement
Action – RS and RB to get quote and pass it to EKCC members asap
• It was thought there are illegal vehicles being parked in Carradale Public car parks – but PC Harper reassured everyone that the ones that had been brought to his attention were legal.
• Argyll MacMillan – asked a question about the number of “teaching” teachers in Carradale Primary school – he was advised that this is not the business of the EKCC and he should get in touch with the education authority for that information.
• PC Harper – reassured the meeting that his speed gun was safely back with him and that he would be patrolling the local roads.

15. Date of next meeting
7pm – 7/4/2016

Eleanor closed the meeting at 8.04pm and thanked everyone for attending.

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