30-03-12 Titanic By Carradale Primary School
Captain's Ball - Celebration of Learning

Over the last 8weeks Carradale Primary School has received secret missions to do with the Unsinkable Ship, The Titanic. As a celebration of their learning, the pupils held a Captain's Ball on Thursday 29th March for parents and community members. The pupils performed 'My favourite Things' from the Sound of Music, 'Breaking Free' from High School Musical, 'Castle on a Cloud' from Les Mesirable with solos from Anna Gemmill and Catriona Newman and Elliot Gemmill sang 'Where is Love?' from Oliver. P4-7 played 'Pavane' on the recorders and finally P3-7 played 'My Heart will Go on' on the bells. Parents and community members then had the opportunity to look round all the work the pupils had completed to do with the Unsinkable ship, before enjoying the buffet. The school would like to thank Inverloch Creamery for donating cheeses towards this.

About the Missions:

Mission 1 and 2 asked the pupils to recreate the unsinkable ship in the school. They created a wall display and ticket office.

Mission 3 said to research interesting facts about the Titanic and record these for others to enjoy. The pupils decided to create fact files.

Mission 4 was split into two parts. Part one asked p1-3 to create a wall display showing examples of clothing that the different people on board the Titanic wore. P4-7 had to create posters based on the passengers and crew, talking about clothing, jobs and why they were on the Titanic.

Mission 4 part 2 asked the pupils to make models of the cabins. They worked in three teams and each created a different class cabin.

As well as the missions, extra challenges were also worked on: creating posters to do with the launch, writing stories, diaries and newspaper reports and creating two 500piece Titanic jigsaws.

[Goat note: an excellant performance by the schoolchilren and all the work they have put into this anniversary of the ship (Titanic) with the help of the teachers and others...Well done.]Thanks to Miss Lynn Galbraith for info.

I shall add some other photos later.

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