29-12-13 Carradale Harbour Group
[The Carradale Goat]New slipway on the cards for Carradale Harbour.
Congratulations to the group (CHG) in achieving this long awaited need for the harbour area,a welcome use for all us local/visitor boat owners.

And some credit must go to the originators of this idea Sheila Cameron,Lachie Paterson,Mapmakers and whoever?
The slips position is basiclly in the same location.

The EKCC "slipway group" sent off an application to the Argyll & Bute Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) in the hope that they might fund a new slipway for the harbour. In case anybody wants to see the full application it is at, click VILLAGEWEB.ORG.UK.

[The Carradale Goat]

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