29-04-13 Noufest Coming Soon
Launch date Friday 10th May 2013 in Carradale Village Hall.Click to enlarge.
[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]

ARGYLL and Bute Council is honouring the work of an author with a special affinity for Argyll with a special exhibition next month.

Renowned writer Naomi Mitchison enjoyed a long and deep relationship with Argyll and Bute and its people, starting with her purchase of Carradale House in 1938.

2013 is the 75th anniversary of Naomi Mitchison’s purchase of the house and, to mark the occasion, the council has funded a revised and extended version of an exhibition originally used to celebrate the author’s 100th birthday in 1997.

Noufest – so called after the nickname used by Naomi Mitchison’s grandchildren – will be held in Carradale Village Hall over the weekend of Friday 10 to Sunday 12 May.

It will be opened by her grandson Neil Mitchison and will feature panels displaying her life, in particular her enjoyment of life in Carradale. There will also be entertainment from local artists celebrating Naomi Mitchison’s lasting legacy in Carradale and talks with academics who have studied her work.

There will also be a special event held in partnership with the Alba Heritage Trust, the Saltire Society and the people of Carradale, hosted by the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh on Tuesday May 2.

This will see Scottish authors Donald Smith, Jenni Calder, Dr Moira Burgess and Professor Isobel Murray exploring Naomi Mitchison’s importance in Scottish history and her influence on the world of literature.

The Noufest exhibition will remain in Carradale for one week from Saturday May 11 before touring Argyll and Bute and across Scotland.

Argyll and Bute Council’s Depute Lead Councillor for Culture, Louise Glen-Lee said: “Argyll and Bute Council is delighted to support these events. It is important that Naomi Mitchison is being remembered and honoured in this way. Her life and work provide true inspiration to women everywhere, and her sense of place and community has a lasting resonance. She was dedicated to Argyll.”

For more information about Noufest, including tickets, call 01586 550453

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