29-04-12 Carradale Harbour Group
Progress report April/May.
Several sections of our proposed harbour development are being realised.
We now have licences from Crown Estates and Marine Scotland for 4 visitor moorings off Shore Road.
Lakeland Marine have offered to aquire and install all four of them for which we are very grateful and we expect this part of the project to be completed shortly. Insurance is being obtained, overnight fees have been decided, the web site is updated as plans progress. Signs are being produced and cash security and collection is being finalised.
After funding had been obtailed In March we decided to ask 7 architects firms to bid for the oportunity to produce a Harbour Development Plan. This will be used in discussions with Argyll & Bute Council regarding the management of the harbour and the imediate surounding Council land. It will also give us a basis for a meaningful budget proposal. At a meeting in the middle of April we looked at the 5 replies we had received and after a thorough vetting process we narrowed the decision down to 2 firms, 1 based on Skye the other in Glasgow. We had already decided that village consultation would be a very important part of the whole process and was a noted part of our brief. We will be meeting principals in the middle of May after which we will formally apoint our preferred choice.
Two of us had meetings with Council and Lottery Fund representatives and this has focussed the group's ideas on potential project funding and the direction we would like to take over the future harbour management.
We expect an up to date proposal to be readied by the late autumn when it will be put up for discussion by the village community as a whole although it is expected that interested parties would have already been aproached by the architects drawing up the plan throughout the intervening period.
Marcus Adams
GHUG Committee.
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