29-01-06 Deer Hill Walk
What a gorgeous day! Sunday dawned clear, dry and sunny so it was a perfect day to take the kids up Deer Hill. We weren't the only people with the same idea though, as we met groups both going up and coming down.

The view from the top, by the OS Trig.Point, is stunning on a day like today when the air was still and clear. As you go up you get increasingly good views of Carradale, Waterfoot, the Point, and the Bay.

Once at the top you can see right across to the Isle of Arran and down onto Carradale Harbour.
[Keep Fit with Shelagh!]Keep Fit With Shelagh!

Carrying a few extra pounds after Christmas? Want to lose them? Not getting as much exercise as you'd like?

Well come along to the Wee Church (by the Surgery) on Monday, 30 January 2006, at 7:30pm.

Admission is free and refreshments will be available for 50p. There's no need to be a member of the Guild - all are welcome.
[View from Deer Hill]

[Trig.Point on Deer Hill]

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