28-12-09 Carradale Primary School
Events and news update with thanks to Lynn Galbraith (teacher).
Children In Need
On Wednesday 18th November Carrdale Primary held a 'Fun-Fair' themed afternoon for Children in Need. Pupils, staff and members of the community had a great time. Everyone got involved dressing up as clowns and people from the fair. There were a variety of stalls: Pin the Patch on Pudsey, Lucky Dip, Hoopla, Beat the Goalie and Sponge the Staff. Mrs Ramsay very kindly donated 'Sweets in the Jar', which was won by Dougie Campbell. 'Guess where Pudsey was hiding' on the treasure map was won by Morag Allan.
Miss Crawford, Miss Galbraith and Miss McMillan all got sponged by very willing pupils! A fantastic total of £410 was raised for Children in Need.
All pupils and staff would like to thank Mrs Ramsay for making tea, coffee and Pudsey biscuits; Paterson's Bakery fpr raising money and adding it to our total and finally a huge thank you to all parents, family and community members who came along to the school to support this fantastic event.
Christmas Concert
On Wednesday 16th December we held our school Christmas concert, which saw Nursery-P5 performing ' A Fairytale Nativity' and P2-P7 performing 'Splash'. The evening was a fantastic success and we wish to thank all who came along to support it. The wonderful sum of £238 was raised for the school.
Christmas Hampers
As a result of pupils and parents generosity, we were able to distribute 12 Christmas Hampers to our elderly residents who greatly appreciated everyones kindness.
Christmas Mail
Thanks once again to the unstinting support of parents and friends in the community the Christmas Mail donated an excellent sum of £403.12 to our school fund. This is in no small way due to the efforts of Mrs Angela Arkell and her helpers who sorted and delivered the mail. The 'postpeople' were: Mrs Jennifer Conley, Mrs Valerie Conley, Mr Michael Foreman, Mrs Monica Gemmill, Mrs Lillian mcDougall, Mr John Paterson and Ms Eleanor Sloan. Thank you all very much indeed.
Congratulations to Josh McKenzie and Tabitha Broatch who both received 'Highly Commened' certificates in the recent road safety calendar competition.
We were delighted to have 100% pass rate in our Cycling Proficiency Test. Miss Amanda Crawford did an excellent job of training our pupils. Congratulations to: Oskar Baxter, Shauna Brown. Lauren Burns, Niall Gemmill, Raymond Gosling, Katie McMillan, Bethany Paterson, Charlotte Semple and Bobby Willan, who all worked very hard and achieved their certificates.
Photos of the Christmas lunch with Headmistress Mrs Anne Marie Elliot,staff,schoolkids and invited guests. Thanks to Sheena and Lillian for an excellant lunch.
![[The Carradale Goat]](../clips/school16.jpg)
![[The Carradale Goat]](../clips/school17.jpg)
![[The Carradale Goat]](../clips/school18.jpg)
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