28-06-12 Carradale Primary News
End of term concert and prizegiving.
On Monday 25th June Carradale Primary school held their annual concert and prizegiving which was attended by family, friends and community members. The pupils performed their songs and recorder pieces from the recent music festival. The P1-7 choir opened the concert singing 'Five Eyes' and 'EveryJourney'. Elliot Gemmill (p4) performed both his solo songs from the P5 & under competition where he won a 2nd for 'Home on the Range' and a 1st for 'The Welly Boot Song'. Catriona newman (P2) , Anna Gemmill (P2) and Zoe Gosling (P3) sang their solos from the P5& Under competition, together. Catriona recieved a 3rd for 'Morningtown Ride' and 'The Bluebell of Scotland'. There was also recorder perfomances from Elliot & Harry Gemmill who played 'Pavane'.Niamh Baxter sang My Favourite Things' and played 'Shepherd's Hey' on the recorder. P1-3 performed their Action Song 'This is What I Like Best on a Summers day' which everyone enjoyed.

All pupils have been really busy this year with lots of prizes to be handed out. Everyone achieved an award from the Argyll & Bute Health and Sports Awards and we had lots of winners from the Red Cross Art Competition.

The school prizes were:

Henry McGougan Award for Perfect Attendance- Anna Gemmill (P2)

Junior Sports Winner (P1-3) - Isaac Baxter (P3)
Senior sports Winner (P4-7) - Elliot Gemmill (P4)

Most Improved Pupil - Zoe Gosling (P3)
Creattivity award - Harry Gemmill (P6)
Carol Anderson Memorial Prize for Citizenship (voted by pupils) - Niamh Baxter (P6)

Matthew MacDougall Memorial Prize (this prize is based on all curricular areas, attitude towards school & others, teamwork, cooperation and helpfulness) - Anna Gemmill (P2)

Pic 1-Junior and Senior Sports Winners 2012.Pic2-Matthew MacDougall Memorial Prize winner 2012.Pic3- Most Improved Pupil Award 2012, Creativity award 2012, Carol Anderson memorial Prize for Citizenship(voted by pupils)
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