![]() | Dear All, You may already have had notification of this meeting - apologies if this is a repeat! As most of you will know, the village services group in Carradale ( East Kintyre Community Council sub group) has been working in conjunction with The Centre for Rural Health to look at ways of keeping/creating local employment through local services for our more senior residents. Local services for local needs in rural Kintyre Our two researcher from The Centre for Rural Health (UHI) are coming to give us their 2nd report on WEDNESDAY 31st in CARRADALE VILLAGE HALL. There is a public meeting at 2.30pm, followed by a drop in question and answer session starting at around 4pm( for anyone that can't manage to come at 2.30 maybe drop in on the way home from work - before getting ready for hallowe'en!?!) If you can't make either time would you please have a look at the survey at www.villageweb.org.uk by clicking HERE. We really need as many views as possible so it would be great if you could look at the website and fill in the survey. I've also attached a document that's unfortunately long but the important bits are on pages 13 & 14 if you've got time too look at it too. Thank you very much. Best wishes, Shelagh Cameron EKCC We hope that everyone who is free this Wednesday afternoon (Oct. 31st) will come to the Village Hall for the 2:30 meeting with the NHS and the A&B councillors. If you are not free that early in the afternoon we hope you will be able to make it to the question and answer session starting at 4:00. If, like mine, your computer is too antique to be able to read docx files, you can read Sarah-Anne's report on www.villageweb.org.uk If you don't have time to read the whole thing, Sarah-Anne has outlined our most interesting options in the diagrams on pages 13 and 14. (The boring options are on page 11.) Apologies to those on the mailing list who have already received a copy of this document. Cathy Forbes Hi everyone Please find attached my suggested agenda for the community meeting in Carradale next week. You will see that the aims of the meeting are to: a. Present the findings from the recent community survey and gather feedback on results. b. Discuss the potential options for community involvement in older people’s services in the area that are listed in the phase two research report… with the community members then agreeing on which options they would like to investigate further. I really appreciate those from NHS and Argyll and Bute Council who are taking the time to attend the meeting. I’m sure that your insight into current provision and the feasibility of future options will be very valuable as part of the feedback and discussion. I have attached a draft of the phase two research report, which we can discuss next week. I must apologise as appendixes to the research report have not yet been formatted and are therefore not included at this stage. The survey results are also only provisional as I am still receiving replies. Many thanks and best wishes Sarah-Anne Shelagh, I would very much like to be at this meeting but unfortunately I have been booked into a housing conference in North Berwick for that date and the booking was done ages ago. If there are follow up meetings I will do my best to attend. Hopefully see you all next month at the CC meeting. Regards, Robin Currie Councillor, Kintyre and the Islands Tel: 01496 850517 Click HERE to comment to this blog entry. (C)Copyright The Carradale Goat 2010 |