26-09-07 Get Down And Dirty
[Carradale Fire Station]It's time to get down and dirty at Carradale Fire Station!

Well, time to get clean, really, as the re-scheduled annual car cleaning extravaganza in aid of the Fire Services National Benevolent Fund will be taking place this Saturday from noon until 5pm.

Bring it along whether it be a Mini or a Monster-Truck and let the fire crew hose it down while you enjoy a bit of home baking from the Carradale Activity Play Park committee.
[Carradale Fire Station]

The Glen Bar has been on Winter Hours for a couple of weeks now, being closed on a Tuesday, but they will also be closed this coming Monday, October 1st, due to a combination of holidays and illness amongst the staff. Normal (winter) service will be resumed the following week.

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