26-03-07 Monday Morning Mentionables
Some interesting reading in the latest edition of The Antler, dropping through letterboxes this weekend...

Work on the harbour repairs in now complete. They poured some 3680 tonnes of concrete and used nearly 3/4km of box pile sections. The three main workers from George Leslie were regular faces in The Glen Bar after they'd finished for the day.

A paragraph in the minutes of the 1 March 2007 East Kintyre Community Council meeting adds weight to the suggestion that the new footpath between the village hall and the school is part of a scheme by the council to avoid providing transport for the children from the west side of the village. (The next council meeting is on Thurday 5 April 2007 at 7pm in the village hall.)

Drilling at Port Righ appears to have finished and the water board contractors were apparently grappling for the end of the newly installed pipe last week. This has no doubt been an expensive repair job by the water board. Perhaps they'll give more thought to regular maintenance in future?

You've got just the rest of this week to get your grant applications in to the Wind Farm Trust.

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