25-10-11 Carradale Primary School News
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in the community who donated to our Rag Bag collection.
We collected a total of 496kg and we have recently received a cheque for £249.50, which was a great achievement. The Rag Bag Collection Bin is now empty and items of clothing, shoes, bedding and books can be bagged and placed into it at anytime.
Primary 1-4 have been taking part in Forest Schools recently, where they have been in the forest exploring. They are developing skills in team building, communication, listening and taking turns. If you take a walk in Crow Wood you may notice a small shelter or a giant dragons nest! Here is a picture of Primary 1-4 sitting inside their Dragon's Nest, which they made as a team.
Primary 1-7 were asked to perform at the Guild's Musical Performance on Monday 24th October. The pupils have been learning songs in class linking into their Scotland and Harvest Projects. Primary 1-4 sang 'You cannae shove your Grannie of a Bus' and then joined P6-7 to sing 'Big Red Combine Harvester', 'Mr Scarecrow' and 'Sing a Song for Harvest'. P4-7 played 'Skye Boat Song' on the bells and accompanied the song 'Mr Scarecrow' by playing the glockenspiel and maracas. Everyone enjoyed taking part and would like to thank the Guild for asking us to perform.
Miss Lynn Galbraith
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