25-02-15 EKCC Agenda and Feb Minutes
Next meeting 5th March 2015 @ 7pm Village Hall.
East Kintyre Community Council
Thursday 5 March 2015 At 7.00pm
1. Welcome and apologies-
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. Matters arising
4. ACHA Stuart
5. Treasurers report Elizabeth
6. SSE/Roads
7. Beinin an Tuirc Mairi McKenzie
8. A&B Council Onshore renewables 13/3
9. A&B Governance training 9 March
10. Planning
11. Slip
12. Marine Harvest
13. Scottish Water
14. Coimmunity Green waste
15. Scottish Government
16. Sustrans Community Links re grants
17. Social Media Training
18. AOCB
Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 5th February 2015. UNCONFIRMED MINUTES
Stuart Irvine (SI) (Convenor), Ronnie Brownie (RB), Eleanor Sloan (ES) (Secretary), Robert Strang (RS) Elizabeth McMillan (EMcM)
2 Councillors Ann Horn (AH), John McAlpine (JMA)
11 Members of the public (MoP)
1. Welcome and apologies -
At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
Apologies from Dominic Ryan, Lindsey Mercer.
2. Minutes 04/12/14
proposed by Robert Strang, seconded by Ronnie Brownie
3. Matters arising
After the meeting in November and lots of promises made by Alister McGregor, there still isn't any upgrading work being done on houses in the village. SI was approached by an ACHA tenant who enquired about buying their house and then decided not to go ahead, it then transpired he was removed from the ACHA improvements list and has not had any work done on his house at all. SI phoned ACHA on his behalf and asked for him to be put back on the list.
SI and AH to write to ACHA enquiring about progress.
If ACHA have not brought all their houses up to Scottish Quality Housing Standards by November 2015 then they will be failing as a social landlord.
It was observed that ACHA never change their policies to fit with local needs, and that they have a budget for building new houses but none for repair.
SI to chase DR re- creation of a tenants group.
Action SI to ring ACHA re progress and speak to DR re tenants group
5. Treasurers report
As of 5/2/15 - the balance of the EKCC bank account stands at £2259.83
Alasdair Bennett reported back to the meeting about the traffic survey carried out by ABC on the Port Righ Road. After a lot of emails back and forth (much of the content has already been minuted by the EKCC) SI, Alasdair and Stewart Clark from the roads dept have agreed to meet in March to discuss all of this on the ground in Carradale. If anyone would like to join this group then please contact SI.
It was observed that the local Policeman had attended one of our meeting in 2014 and hasn't been in attendance since, an update from him on roads in the area would be welcome. SI to invite him to attend again.
Johnny Durnan told the meeting about phone calls and a stream of emails sent from him to Julian Greene (roads dept ABC), with various councillors and Andy malkin (SSE) CC'd in, regarding the state of the B845 over the Christmas period. The time it took for the potholes to be filled in and the gritting of the road being the main points raised. Johnny is also concerned with the volume of heavy traffic on the road and commented on a Traffic management plan that FCS had in place in the past - JMA offered to contact FCS to find out if they still have a plan in place.
There is an ABC app available that you can report potholes on.
It was suggested that we keep up the pressure on ABC and any road concerns should be passed to the EKCC to raise on the behalf of the community - this may have more positive results
Andy Malkin (SSE) is invited to attend the next meeting (5/3/15)
Action SI to speak to local policeman
SI and AB to meet up with roads dept
7. Planning
The statue on Saddell beach is due to be erected in May
8. Scottish Goverment
The Scottish Gov want people to play a bigger part in Community Planning, there is to be meeting at Kilmory 6/3/15. All partners are invited to become more involved.
9. Sustrans Community Links
SI received an email about this and it wasn't clear what this was about - no-one knew much more except that is was involved in cycle paths... AH to find out more and contact EKCC
Action AH to find out more and report back
10. Social Media Training
No-one was interested in this
11. AOCB
SI received a letter from Donna McDougall - asking questions about the slip - as there was no-one in attendance who could fully answer the questions - it was agreed to forward the letter to Alan Milstead and his response and the original letter could be presented to the next meeting.
Action SI to pass letter to A Milstead
Antler - next edition due out in Feb
Marine Harvest have submitted an application to double the amount of the cages in the Kilbrannan sound this will see the creation of 6 new jobs. SI proposed that EKCC fully support this development - all agreed
RS brought up the state of the cemetery - ABC are considering what they should do about this
Trish Hurst asked when the bags of bark would be spread out over the play park. RS said that this will be spread when the weather improves.
Action RS to spread bark ASAP when weather improves
Brian Gee raised the concern that a phone call from Lochgilphead police to various members of the community, re; possible power failure due to imminent severe weather, took on a "chinese whispers" life, and that this caused some panic within the village. Others disagreed and felt it had been useful to be given the chance to prepare. In the end the power stayed on. It was pointed out that the telephone tree on the emergency plan would work well in this kind of situation.
The lack of water on Christmas day and then again a week later was discussed and it was agreed that SI would write a letter to Scottish Water enquiring about the problems and seeking reassurance that this will not be happening again
Action SI to write to Scottish Water
JMA told us that Kintyre way are looking for funding, and that the Area Committee supports this.
ES said that she had met up with FCS regarding a Community Green Waste site and that FCS would consider selling a bit of land to the Community. ES to speak to Planning and SEPA to see if the plan is doable and then to speak to Network Carradale with the possibility of them being involved in handling the buying of the land. If all seems positive then funding will be sought. ES is keen to have any help from anyone who would be happy to help and /or do some research on the management of green waste sites.
Action ES to contact planning and SEPA and then Network Carradale.
Johnny Durnan told us that beds and black bags have been dumped on FCS ground at Dippen, RS has already informed Brian Baird of the FCs about this.
The streetlight at the Fishermans Gate was damaged in the storms. Anne Horn agreed to inform ABC on our behalf
Action AH to report broken light
12. Date of next meeting
7pm 05/03/15
Stuart closed the meeting at 8.14pm and thanked everyone for attending.
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