24-12-07 Weekend Round-up
[Santa Comes to Carradale]Having been away in the south for a few days it was nice to get home to Carradale late on Christmas Eve afternoon.

Catching up on recent events, the Children's Party at The Glen Bar went very well, with an especially jolly and jovial visit from Santa!

The Sunday School nativity play was equally well attended with the children putting on a splendid performance.

If anyone has any photographs from these events then we'd love one or two to put online, as my good lady forgot to take her camera to either of them.

And finally, my memory not being what it was, I must make mention of the Hungarian Gypsy Violinist who entertained us at our table in The Glen Bar the other evening, until we begged her to stop. I'm told she only does this for selected patrons, and so feel specially honoured, if that's the word :)[Special performance]
[Santa Comes to Carradale]

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