24-02-05 Spring Just Around The Corner
Whilst giving the dog his morning walk down to the sea I spotted a couple of newborn lambs at Dippen Farm.
They're the first I've seen this year so Spring can't be far away now. You'd be hard pressed to believe it though, given the wintry weather we've had these last few days.
Carradale has been spared the worst of the snow though but the north-westerly wind howling down the glen is enough to freeze the blood in your veins.
The broadband boys are progressing well with laying the ducting from Campbeltown to Carradale. They've begun work at Dippen Bridge and have done a good job at filling in the holes they had to cut in the road. Argyll & Bute Council could learn a thing or two about road maintenance by studying their work!
Contrary to an article in the Campbeltown Courier last week all of Kintyre *won't* have access to broadband by the end of March. The date still shown for Carradale is July and some areas, say Grogport and places down on the Mull, will probably never have broadband access unless its of the wireless variety. They're simply too far from the exchange for reliable high-speed data transmission.
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