The opening of the Kintyre Way has been put back again, from Easter to 12 August 2006, and so effectively missing the better part of this years summer. The complexity of gaining legal title where the route of the path crosses private ground was given as the reason. Details of the route and latest news can be found on the Kintyre Way Website | ![]() |
Amongst other items raised at the May meeting of the EKCC was a request that the dog litter bin by Tormor be removed. This is in a pretty poor state, missing its lid, and not having been emptied for some time. The bins between Sally's Walk and The Lodge are, I'm pleased to say, being both used and emptied on a regular basis and it is now unusual to see dog poo lying along there. Speaking of the Avenue, contractors have been busy cutting-back and clearing the heavily overgrown rhododendrons along that stretch and have now moved on to Sally's Walk itself. | |
The latest edition of The Antler included a listing of the successful applications for grant funding from the East Kintyre Windfarm Trust, and I hope the editor won't mind my repeating that information here: 96. Carradale Amateur Football Club - Purchase of a 2nd-hand diesel gang mower. £2000 applied for. £2000 approved. 97. Friends of Carradale School - Creche. £350 applied for. £350 approved. 98. Friends of Carradale School - Extension of timetable (3:30-5:00pm). £3000 applied for. None approved. 99. Carradale Village Hall - Removal of septic tank. £2000 applied for. £750 approved. 100. East Kintyre Community Council - Paving for War Memorial garden. £785 applied for. £785 approved. 101. Kintyre Marketing Group - Kintyre Way Opening Ceremony. £1500 applied for. £1000 approved. 102. Carradale Tourist Promotion Group - Floral Displays. £570 applied for. £570 approved. 103. Carradale Tourist Promotion Group - Carradale Bay Road repairs. £300 applied for. £300 approved. 104. East Kintyre Community Council - Clearing of footpaths. £150 applied for. £150 approved. 105. Carradale & District Senior Social Club - Emergency Funding. £530 applied for. £530 approved. 106. East Kintyre Community Council - Replacing footpath signs. £2126 applied for. £1750 approved. 107. SCDA Kintyre Branch - Running expenses/divisional finals. £500 applied for. £150 approved. 108. Kintyre Primestock Breeders Association - Celebration of 25 yrs operation. £500 applied for. £160 approved. The total of grants approved was £8495. It was noted that the Friends of Carradale School application was provisionally approved for the Autumn tranche of grants subject to other applications for funding being successful. |