22-03-14 Beach Clean 2014
Good turnout for the days beach clean organised by Eleanor Sloan.

About thirty three locals and visitors helped clear an abundance of rubbish.Afterwards snacks and drinks were available courtesy of the Trotts with their motorhome.Most of the volunteers had dispersed by the time i took a group photo.Thanks to Robert for the use of the Golf Club tractor for removing bags from the beach.Sadly on the day many seabirds were found dead,guillemonts and razorbills possibly due to the rcent bad weather depriving them of food.

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Update 28th March:

Hi everyone
I got a cheque for £130 today from the GRAB trust – I was disappointed at this amount after our fabulous effort, however when i asked about it this was the response from the GRAB trust
“Re litter grant linked to number of bags collected I think it is good to reward the effort of doing a beach clean rather than the amount of litter collected but we are in the process of reviewing how we pay them out so I’ll pass on your comments.”

I felt they were a wee bit patronising, but maybe I’m being too sensitive, they did acknowledge that we had got a fabulous amount of rubbish.

anyway we have £130 to give out to the 2 charities we chose
I will pass the cheque to Stuart to bank (it has been made out to the EKCC) and we can write 2 new cheques for Abbeyfield and Sports relief
does anyone have any thoughts on splitting it?
I personally would go half and half.

I’ll pop out a couple of thank you posters saying how much we got and where the money is going.

...now get up from your computers and get away out and enjoy the sunshine xxxxx

good wishes

Eleanor x

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