22-01-06 Stewards Enquiry
[Race Night at The Glen Bar]It was a full house for last night's Race Night in the Glen Bar. A grand total of £970 was raised towards Mairi Paterson's stem cell treatment in Rotterdam. Well done everyone!

Prior to each race the horses were auctioned-off to the highest bidder and a tote took care of the betting. A well-supported raffle also contributed to the funds with the top prize being a pair of tickets to the next Celtic/Rangers match.

The event was organised by the football club, who also covered the cost of renting the films. Penny and Sue provided the venue and a free buffet, and once the racing was over we were entertained with live music and singing by 'The Wild Sarachs'.

This was the first race night to be held in Carradale but something tells me it won't be the last...
[Race Night at The Glen Bar]

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