The morning of the Winter Solstice has dawned cloudy but dry so far today. It's 8:30am and the new-risen sun is peeking through the clouds above Carradale Bay and the Isle of Arran. From now on the days will be growing ever so slightly longer and the nights just a tiny bit shorter, until it all turns round again towards the end of June. In addition to lots of Christmas cards we've also received a Yule card but no sign yet of a Merry Mithras or even a Happy Hogswatch card. | ![]() |
The Primary School held it's end of term concert last night. The Nursery sang "Christmas Bells", the P1-P3's performed a version of the nativity called "It's a Baby", and the P4-P7s performed "Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat". It was announced that money raised from the recent sales of quiz sheets amounted to some £240, which was very good. |
![]() | An finally, don't forget the Race Night on Saturday evening in The Glen Bar. The first race starts at 8pm so have a flutter. In addition to the horse-racing there will also be free food, a late license, and a raffle. Proceeds go towards Carradale AFC. |