21-11-10 Back To Kintyre
[The Carradale Goat]A song about Kintyre By Chris A.
Some background: -
The main track on the CD is 'Back To Kintyre'. A homage to the beautiful Kintyre peninsula on the West coast of Scotland, my newfound passion and yes, the one of ‘Mull Of Kintyre’ fame.

I was born and bred in Manchester, as was my dad, but he had always insinuated that HIS dad had come from the West of Scotland. It was only after my dad passed on that I delved further into that connection, found a few more clues, and finally went up to Kintyre for a visit. I totally fell in love with the area. More to the point, I spiritually connected, feeling my ancestors in the wild Atlantic air. Sounds odd, and I can't explain it really, but I’ve never had such feelings, before then or since.

After that first visit I started kicking the idea of the track around. I had the main melodic hook almost immediately, and I then worked on and off with the music for a couple of years, through illness and other distractions, whilst trying to find the right vocalist. Eventually I found that man (thanks Nige) and after some more key changes, drum pattern issues, and other embellishments, the song was finally completed. The dynamics are all over the place - and to call it a 'song' is probably a misnomer. It’s more a theme piece really. Someone said “it’s like 50 ideas rolled into one”. I take that as a compliment and point them towards Paul McCartney’s trio of “10 songs rolled into one” style hits from the mid 70s, namely ‘Jet’, ‘Band On The Run’ and ‘Silly Love Songs’. All written, ironically, at his farm near the Mull Of Kintyre!
Lyrically, I’m happy with it too. It doff’s its' cap respectfully to the area, and also to its most famous residents - Paul and Linda McCartney. Linda once said that Saddell bay was her “favourite place on Earth”. We visited it when we were there, and totally agree. It’s an amazing place, and that's why her "ghost" makes an appearance in the track - walking the bay.

‘Chapeltown’ is on the CD by popular demand. Since I put it out a year or so ago, I‘ve had a lot of feedback complimenting the feel of the track, mainly, I have to admit, from fellow Mancunians who know the area around which the lyric is based. With that in mind, the theme of 'Chapeltown' fitted the EP - being about roots and passions, so, it finally made it to a commercial release!

‘(Back To) The Kintyre Way’, is a solo piano piece made up of melodies from the main song. My music, yes, but a little too proficient for me to actually play. It was done by a very talented musician called Massimo Bosco, and recorded in Milan. Genuinely, I’d personally buy the EP just for this lovely, lilting, track.

‘Oran Mu Dheireadh’ (Song of the Finale) is the last track on the CD, and again utilising melodies from the main song - it touches lyrically on finality. Bells of doom, thunder, and poetic odes to loved ones. Oh and a lovely spoken prose by Fiona J Mackenzie, a prominent Gaelic musician. Also on the CD is the DVD version of my 'Back To Kintyre' video. A modest home made film, but, it serves the purpose and I'm happy with it. There‘s some great images of Kintyre in there, and if it should tempt anyone to pay a visit then that would be great!So, my first commercial release for many years. If I could sell enough copies to break even on the project then I’d be extremely happy with that, but, as mentioned at the top of this piece, it was a total labour of love, and if someone in Kintyre buys me a drink and tells me they like it, then really, that would be enough for me

The (real) retail copy (including bonus stuff) can be bought mail order from http://chrisamusic.bandcamp.com/ and the MP3 version can be downloaded, again from Bandcamp, Amazon, Itunes and many other online music stores.

Click HERE for the video.

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