21-08-15 EKCC Meeting
July minutes and meeting September.

[The Carradale Goat]

East Kintyre Community Council

Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall
2 July 2015

Present: Stuart Irvine (SI), Convenor, Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie (RB),
Elizabeth McMillan (EM), David Prag (DP), Bill Bidmead 9BB)

Apologies: Eleanor Sloan (ES)

In Attendance: Emma Magaughan (Bellenden/Good Energy, Cllr John Armour, PC Nick Harper, and 9 members of the public

Minutes of the last meeting: were accepted proposed by RS and seconded by RB.

Matters arising: None that weren’t covered by the agenda.

Presentation on Bellenden/Good energy: Emma Magaughan had travelled through from Edinburgh to give us an update on progress with the project for wind-turbines at Tayinloan. A liaison committee has been set up and there are already a considerable number, mainly on the west side of Kintyre. It is hoped that someone from WKCC will join and participate in the progress. The significant points which emerged are: -

i) It is proposed to erect 13 turbines, 130ft high
ii) There will likely be a fund set up to help the total community in Kintyre with a payment of £5000 per mega-watt. It is expected that EKCC would benefit.
iii) It is possible that there will be a share-ownership, an aspect which has now risen in any of the other sites.

The project is still in its very early stage and Emma will keep us fully informed.

In the open meeting there were views expressed, some anti due to the apparent proliferation and some for.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer reported that the current balance was the same as last month but did not include the Secretary’s payment. The Convenor mentioned that there had been some malfunction at Kilmory Accounts Dept. in regard to the first installment of the WFT money. Cheques had been sent to EKCC and WKCC the wrong way round, The cheques were duly returned but were then replace by cheques to EKCC instead of EKCCWFT. The amount involved was £21,263.63.

Elections for voids in CC’s: At the last meeting David Prag and Bill Bidmead were co-opted onto the Council and both agreed to offer themselves for full membership in the Election, The significant date are as follows:-

i) Monday 3 August 2015 Register in force
ii) Monday 17 August 2015 Publication of Notice of Election
iii) Thursday 3 September 2015 (5.00pm) Close of nominations and withdrawal of nomination paper
iv) Thursday 17 September 2015 Notice of Poll ( if election contested) Notice of Uncontested election if election is uncontested
v) Thursday 24 September2015 Issue of postal ballot papers
vi) Thursday 8 October 2015 Election day, final date for receipt of postal ballot papers
vii) Friday 9 October 2015 Count of votes
It is hoped that the third vacancy on the Council could be filled.

Scottish Heritage Awards: The Scottish Civic Trust is inviting nominations for individual persons or groups who have helped in improving the welfare of towns/villages throughout Scotland. It was unanimously agreed that Robert Strang would be nominated due to his efforts in getting many local projects done while there had been much inconvenience caused
very large SSE project at Crossaig.

Kintyre Care Services: Documents have been received and will be circulated to Council members.

WW1exhibition: The Convenor had been contacted by Patrick Stewart who is involved with an exhibition in Victoria Hall, Campbeltown on 26 September 2015 to commemorate WW1.

It was agreed that EKCC would submit the photos and information which is currently in the Library of the Village Hall.

Road Signs: As the Tourist Group are funding, with the help of the EKCCWFT, the replacement of the sign coming into Carradale from the South, it was agreed, at an approximate cost of £800, EKCC would fund the replacement of the sign coming in from the North.

Pavilion public toilet: RS confirmed that there has been no progress yet in this regard.

Planning: The Convenor stated that had had not received notice of any Planning matters, However, he was corrected, as he was away from home at the time, that a Planning application had been made for a project at Ifferdale Road, Cllr John Armour also commented that the Planning Dept. is somewhat behind in their reporting.

Cemetery: The Convenor reported that he had written to Argyll and Bute Council regarding the need for fencing to be put up protecting the new field being used for burials. Alison Mcllroy, amenity services A&B, replied on 15 June and will provide a more detailed response.

a) Web Site for EKCC: David Prag had suggested and was willing to set up a Web Site for EKCC. After a general discussion it was agreed that this would be very beneficial. The Convenor has suggested a small committee of David, Eleanor and himself get together to start the process.
b) Cllr John Armour suggested that copies of the minutes of EKCC should be sent to the A&B Councillors. This was agreed.

c) Tangy iii: An email from SSE had been received with an update. The 22 existing turbines will be replaced with 15 modem machines almost doubling the generating capacity.

There will be no meeting in August so the date of the next EKCC meeting will be 3 September 2015.

Through email all Councillors will be kept informed of any developments requiring action or discussion

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