| PC Hannah has begun instructing the local children in Cycling Proficiency and from what I hear they're enjoying it a lot.
Although Carradale is a quiet village it's important that the kids develop some road-sense if they're to avoid accidents and injury, especially with the summer approaching when there are a lot more folk on our roads. |  |
 | Over at The Glen there's new barstaff in the shape of Sandy. He's yet to see The Glen when it's packed to the gunwhales by locals or tourists but with a party night coming up he doesn't have long to wait. More on that in a later entry.
Elsewhere I see The Carradale Goat is getting a mention on the Campbeltown Website where such characters as Bochan Mor, Kintyre Lad, and SonOfASlant are discussing what goes on down in Campbeltown, up here in 'Trumpton' (as Carradale is sometimes referred to), and across the whole of Kintyre. |
Going back to things local, the next meeting of the new East Kintyre Community Council will take place next Thursday, 28 April 2005, in the community hall. The Goat predicts a good turnout of locals to witness proceedings and the gossip at the tap is that one or more of the former councillors is out to make mischief.
We shall just have to wait and see. The Goat, however, wishes the new councillors nothing but the best in what is often a thankless task. |