![[www.b842.co.uk]](../clips/b842_logo_2.gif) | It's a bit of a thin entry for today so I thought I'd take the opportunity to plug a new website: www.b842.co.uk
The site is aimed at those of us living along the B842 road, which of course includes Carradale and many of the nearby villages. | It's also home to a forum where you can discuss the hot topics affecting the east side of Kintyre, such as the proposed new windfarm at Cour, or the threat of closure hanging over rural schools such as Skipness Primary School. |
Later on it's quiz-night in The Glen Bar tonight with QI-Master Nonnie setting the questions.
Starting from about 8:30pm (after the football!), it's a fun quiz and might become a regular event if there's enough support.
There'll be a small entry fee and the mention of food has been made.
| ![[Quiz Night in the Glen Bar, Carradale]](../clips/quiznite.gif) |