20-12-18 Machrihanish Golf Club Destroyed
Six Fire appliances try to save building now gutted.

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Machrihanish Golf Club

Update from Club Captain.
COURSE AND PRO SHOP ARE OPEN AS USUAL - temporary facilities will be in place shortly.
We’d like to extend our thanks to Tesco for their generosity to Iain, Agnes and Kirsten, to Neil Bapty for getting the computers operational again and to various committee members who gave up their day to connect phone lines and meet with insurers. There has been so much support shown from members, non members and local businesses with offers of accommodation and the support for Iain and his family has been overwhelming. There have also been offers of temporary office, storage and toilets facilities until the Club get’s facilities in place through our insurance. These are all very much appreciated.
Unbelievably, the only room not to be affected with fire is the office. Although there is water damage, I am pleased to say there was memorabilia and records saved from this area, meaning unbelievably around 90% of the history of the club has been salvaged which is great news going forward.
The first meeting with the insurers was held today which I am pleased to report was very positive. There is obviously a very long way to go on this journey but early signs are positive, and I assure members and visitors, myself and the committee will do our upmost to ensure Machrihanish Golf Club will come beck better and stronger than ever before.
Thanks again for the huge support shown from around the world, its so comforting to know this club means so much to so many people.
Myself and the committee would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone reading and supporting the club during these difficult times, a Merry Christmas and a VERY positive New Year.

Calum McMillan

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