17-07-10 Carradale Village Hall
Management Committee Meeting, Wednesday 30th June 2010

Attendance List: Elizabeth McMillan; Jean Campbell; David Mercer; Lindsey Mercer; Emma Downie; John Lynn; Morag Burns; Louise Lee; Isobel Williamson; Sheena Ramsay; Margaret Gruber; Alan Walker; Tony Leighton; Donald McAlister-Hall; Tom Adams; Val Cannel; Carol Abernethy; Robert Abernethy; Edna Paterson; Donald McAlister.

Apologies: Michael Foreman

1. Hall Keeping Matters

1.1 Kitchen Tiling

The Hall Keeper reported that a limited number of white tiles were available for use in the kitchen. It was agreed that these should be used for the area behind the sink and that work should proceed.

1.2 Passageway Lighting

The Hall Keeper reported that a light fitting in the main passageway was beyond repair and would need to be replaced.

Action: Tony Leighton to source suitable fitting.

1.3 Plastic Boxes for Kitchen

A web site had been identified as a possible source of suitable plastic boxes to house kitchen crockery.

Action: Tony Leighton to liaise with Brian Gee re purchase of said boxes.

1.4 Polish was now available for the hall floor but some clarification is required re method of application.

Action: Robert Abernethy to follow up and liaise with Brian Gee.

2. Minutes of Meeting, 26th May 2010

For the benefit of new members of the committee Elizabeth McMillan read aloud the minutes of the previous meeting.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Key holders

It was agreed that a list of key holders should be drawn up and also a list of those requiring keys.
Current key holders were identified as: David Mercer; Elizabeth McMillan; Jean Campbell; Donald McAlister-Hall; Elagh Durnan Tony Leighton.

Action: Secretary

3.2 Hall Keeper’s Contract of Employment

Discussions on this topic are still ongoing.

There followed some discussion as to the responsibilities of hall users with regard to cleaning up after an event.

It was stated anyone hiring the hall was provided with a notice asking that they leave the hall in the same condition as they found it. Organisers of events could however make independent arrangements with the Hall Keeper in respect of cleaning up.

It was agrees that copies of the notice provided to hall users should be displayed prominently in all areas of the hall.

Action: Secretary

3.3 Wind Farm Trust

A grant of £2,000.00 (two thousand pounds) had been approved.

3.4 Hall Trustees

Discussions regarding the appointment of additional Trustees had been deferred at a number of previous meetings until such times as a full complement of Committee members was present.

Previously Ms Shelagh Cameron and Alan Walker had been approached as potential Trustees and both had agreed.

There was some discussion as to the procedures to be followed in the appointment of new Trustees and to the number to be appointed.

Alan Walker agreed to consult the Disposition which was held by Stewart Balfour and Sutherland.

Members were asked to give some thought to possible future Trustees before the next meeting.

Action: All Members; Alan Walker

4. Forthcoming Events

Edna Paterson read a list of forthcoming events from the diary. These are listed in Appendix 1 to the Minutes.

4.1 Burns Supper

The date for the Burn’s Supper 2011 was set for January 15th. As yet a suitable speaker had not been identified to deliver the Immortal Memory. It was agreed that if a speaker could not be found the event could be marketed as a ‘Burn’s Night’ with alternative readings.

Action: Donald McAlister-Hall

4.2 Fundraisers.

There was some discussion relating to the poor support which had been received from members of the community for events organised by the Committee in the recent past. It was suggested that while older members of the community may enjoy and support events that were planned they did not have universal appeal for the larger community. It was proposed that some of the younger members of the committee should form a Social Sub-committee.

Action: Morag Burns; Tom Adams; Emma Downie; Donald McAlister and Louise Lee to form said sub-committee and report back.

4.3 Licensing

The Hall is permitted four licences per year for social events. In addition organisations using the hall e.g. the Cricket Club could apply for their own licence and it was suggested that in such cases the Village Hall could ask for a percentage of the bar takings as part of the rental agreement.

It was suggested that the current layout of the bar was not particularly efficient and that there was a lack of suitable glassware.

The meeting was informed that an adequate supply of glassware was held under lock and key and could be requested by users of the Hall at the time of hiring.

Action: Tom Adams to draw up scheme for revised bar layout.

4.4 Rental Charges.

An enquiry was made as to how rental charges for the Hall were arrived at and whether they took into account all the Hall’s overheads.

It was agreed that Hall Rental charges should be reviewed.

Action: Treasurer

5. Any Other Business

5.1 Youth Group

Louise Lee intimated that she and other members of the Committee (Morag Burns; John Lynn: Emma Downie) were interested in restarting a Youth Group and that they would like to begin in September 2010 on Friday evenings.

It was intimated that as an affiliated group charges for the use of the Hall would be £1.30 per adult and £0.60 for minors.

The interested members were assured that there were ample storage facilities for equipment and it was also indicated that there might be suitable equipment currently available.

There was a general discussion about Disclosure requirements for Youth Leaders.

Action: Youth Group – Louise Lee; Morag Burns; John Lynn: Emma Downie
Disclosure Requirements - Robert Abernethy

5.2 Health and Safety

Louise Lee pointed out that the Lights in the hall were bare fluorescent tubes without safety covers and/or reflectors and that these constituted a safety hazard with the potential to cause injury should one be broken. She also intimated that should suitable covers be obtained Tom Lee would be prepared to fit them free of charge.

After some discussion regarding the need for safety covers it was agreed that quotes should be obtained for suitable fittings

Action: Louise and Tom Lee

5.3 Road Access to Hall

Donald McAlister Hall intimated that work on improving access to the car park and levelling of the car park would be going ahead in the near future.

6. 100 Club

The 100 Club is a Lottery designed to raise money for the Hall with a draw made each month. Membership of the Lottery costs £12.00 per annum and a minimum of 50% of monies raised must be distributed as prizes. The Lottery runs from July to June and is open to everyone.

An audited Statement of Account for the year 2009/2010 was circulated along with a list of winners for the year.

Payments for the Year 2010/2011 are now due.

7. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 4th August 2010 at 6.45pm

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