16-07-10 Carradale Village Hall News
Minutes of the EGM Tuesday 22nd June 2010
Extraordinary General Meeting
Tuesday 22nd June 2010
1. Attendance List
Committee Members;
Elizabeth McMillan (Chairman)
Jean Campbell (Vice Chairman)
Tony Leighton
Donald McAlister-Hall
Edna Patterson
Isobel Williamson
Members of the Community: 80 (Full Attendance List available)
2. Apologies
Pauline Burrows
Paula Davies
Peter Davies
Michael Foreman
Stuart Irvine
Nonnie McAlister
Alan McLay
Lachie Patterson
Neil Thompson
3. Purpose of Extraordinary General Meeting
The meeting opened with Elizabeth McMillan, the Chairman, reading a prepared statement outlining the reasons for calling an Extraordinary General Meeting:
Very poor attendance at the AGM held on Friday 21st May 2010
The inability at that meeting to fill all places on the Committee
The inability at that meeting to fill the posts of Secretary and Treasurer
Poor support from members of the community for events organised by the Committee.
It was additionally stated that financially the Hall was in a sound position.
The meeting was then opened to the floor.
3.1 Existing Committee
In response to a question from the floor it was stated that there were currently six members on the committee: Elizabeth McMillan (Chairman); Jean Campbell (Vice Chairman); Tony Leighton; Donald McAlister-Hall; Edna Patterson; Isobel Williamson.
In response to another question it was suggested that a minimum of twelve members was required to share the load and run the Halls affairs efficiently.
3.2 Make up of the Committee
It was explained that constitutionally the committee should be made up of representatives of groups using the hall.
The Chairperson commented that while every effort has been made in the past to operate within the Constitution this has not always worked satisfactorily.
The question was raised as to whether only groups using the hall regularly were represented or if occasional users could also be represented. It was agreed that both regular and occasional users should be represented.
It was suggested that each group should propose two members. This could be done by writing to each of the groups involved asking for nominations or nominations could be made from the floor.
The latter course of action was adopted.
In response to a question regarding the minimum age for committee members it was stated that constitutionally there was no minimum age but that sixteen was regarded as suitable.
3.3 Nominations
Nominations were as follows:
Bowling Club Margaret Gruber
A.N Other to be appointed
Drama Group Donald Macalister-Hall*
Tony Leighton*
Craft Group Edna Patterson*
Isobel Williamson*
Badminton Emma Downey
John Lynn
Senior Citizens Val Cannell
(Monday Club)
Church Michael Foreman
Sheena Ramsey
Carol Abernethy
Camera Club David Mercer
Wednesday Club Jean Campbell*
Community Council Tom Adams
Elizabeth McMillan*
Football Club To be appointed**
Cricket Club Robert Abernethy
In addition it was suggested that anyone willing to be co-opted to the committee should indicate their willingness. Two nominations were received:
Louise Lee
Alan Walker
* Already appointed ** Nominee may vary
3.4 Additional Activities/Users
It was indicated from the floor that efforts were being made to re-establish a Youth Club in the village with the possibility of one organiser and one member being represented on the Committee. John Lynn, Morag Burns and Louise Lee are all involved/interested. It was agreed that a dialogue should be maintained between the Committee and the interested parties and the inclusion of representatives on the Committee to be addressed as appropriate.
3.5 Election of Office Bearers
Two Office Bearer post remained to be filled, Secretary and Treasurer.
The Chairperson thanked Lindsey Mercer for agreeing to take minutes at the EGM and informed the meeting that she had agreed to fill the post of Secretary if duly elected.
This appointment was proposed by Audrey Gee and seconded by Margaret Richardson.
With regard to the post of Treasurer it was pointed out that this post should be filled by one of the committee member and that all potential members of the committee were not present.
It was however further pointed out that office bearers were required to be elected at a General Meeting.
David Mercer volunteered his services for the post.
This appointment was proposed by Alan Walker and seconded by Elizabeth Macmillan.
The meeting was then closed with thanks to all for their attendance.
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