16-02-05 Closing Date for Council Nominations
Today is the closing date for registering Nominations for the forthcoming East Kintyre Community Council elections.

If you were thinking of standing for one of the five (or possibly six) Carradale seats then you'd better get your skates on! Similarly the closing date for retractions is Friday.

The word around the village is that there are already more than enough nominations to force Argyll & Bute to run an election and we look forward to receiving our ballot paper in the post.

Seats on local councils are often viewed as something of a 'Poisoned Chalice' and so it is refreshing that so many people are prepared to put their heads above the parapet and risk being shot at.

Altruistic reasons aside, some people seek seats on councils for entirely the wrong reasons (pride, esteem, the semblance of being important, and the exercise of influence) and it is only when an election takes place that we get the opportunity to make a choice.

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