16-01-12 A83 Petition
Please sign the petition.

Dear Johnny

Argyll First Councillors have campaigned both individually and as a group on many occasions regarding the various problems associated with the A83.

It is our intention to unite the Community of Argyll and Bute in a common cause, campaigning for the many unresolved road issues to be addressed.

We are asking all politicians, businesses, and members of the public to join with us and show a united front.

The time has come to work together in a positive and constructive manner for the benefit of the Argyll and Bute Community. We have received many representations from members of the public, community councils and businesses regarding the various problems associated with this route. These range from the current unacceptable situation at the Rest and be Thankful, to the pinch points which exist at Inveraray, and between Lochgilphead and Tarbert, also the lack of a crossing point at Tarbert and finally the issue of trunking the road between Kennacraig and Campbeltown. We want everyone in Argyll and Bute to show their support and sign the petition, I have attached templates of the poster and petition. At the end of February 2012 I will make contact with you again to forward any signed petitions as it is our intention to present the petition to the Scottish Government. Our objective is for the Government to firstly publicly acknowledge the problems that exist with the A83 followed by a firm plan of action to resolve them.

CLICK HERE to sign petition.

Alternatively if any of your contacts could e-mail me direct stating their email subject heading either BUSINESS A83 SUPPORT or INDIVIDUAL A83 SUPPORT that would be another way of gaining support for the campaign, e-mail to send to is dougie.philand@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Yours sincerely

Councillors Donald Kelly, Douglas Philand and John McAlpine.


Councillor Douglas T Philand


Mid Argyll Ward 3

32 Fernoch Crescent



PA31 8AE


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