![]() | October Minutes and Election results. EAST KINTYRE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 3rd October 2013 Minutes Present: Stuart Irvine (Convenor), Elisabeth McMillan (treasurer), Ronnie Brownie, Cathy Forbes, Robert Strang, Shelagh Cameron, Eleanor Sloan. 4 members of the public 1. Apologies: Dominic Ryan, Tom Adams Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting. ` 2. Minutes – 4/7/13 & notes from the informal meeting of 16/9/13 As a long time had passed between the last minutes and now we glanced through them and took them as read. 3. Matters arising The Port Righ steps have now been completed. The builders have been paid - a small amount £138 left over from a wind farm grant was used to finance finishing off the job. The whole cost was £3300. (this was covered by grants and a contribution from local residents) Robert observed that the hand rails were quite a distance apart and this may be a problem for some people. 4. Treasurers report Elisabeth McMillan reported that as of 03/10/2013 the balance was £2499.03 5. Election This was the last meeting of the present council. Stuart told us that if 8 or less people put themselves forward for nomination, then the election would not be contested. However if more apply then there will be a postal vote. Eleanor, Stuart, Elisabeth, Robert and Ronnie all said they had put themselves forward for re-election. Stuart told us that Dominic Ryan, Hilary Oman and Lindsey Mercer are also putting themselves forward. Shelagh, Cathy and Tom are all standing down. We discussed the election process and all felt that a postal election at ALL elections would be good practise and democratic. Cathy reminded us that the public are free to contribute at meetings and to share their opinion in that way. The first meeting of the new council will be 28/11/13 6. Emergency Plan The Village Hall committee have agreed that the Village Hall would be the best venue for the Hub. Stuart attended the Village Hall meeting and it was agreed to set up a working group, with 2 members from each committee. We agreed that a public meeting would be arranged to present the ideas and suggestions of the joint committees. Shelagh has put a draft emergency plan together and she was asked to be on the working group, in the initial stages, (while she remains on the Community Council) Eleanor will also represent EKCC and they will get in touch with the VHC asap. 7. Carradale Bay bridge Tom was not at the meeting to update us on the situation with the bridge – but we are aware that the old bridge is still in place. It was mentioned that the riverbank is also deteriorating and may need some attention. It was suggested that the bridge may only need extra support and not need replacing. Stuart is to discuss with Colin Burgess . 8. Marine Scotland Consultation Shelagh attended the consultation meeting and fed back to council – Shelagh had been sent by the councillors to the presentation She suggested there were 3 points of relevance to EKCC- • Off shore wind power – this is off the west coast of Islay and is not that relevant to us. • Tidal power – There was very little detail with this and more info will be sought at some point. This is also likely to be happening at the south of Kintyre. • Marine protected areas – this will affect the fishing fleet within the EKCC ward boundary, the area being proposed for protection is off Lamlash bay round to Blackwaterfoot. The width of the area has not been disclosed and this may have a detrimental affect on Carradales fishing. The other area is a band from the Mull of Kintyre to the mull of Galloway. Shelagh feels this may be a pre-emptive move to eventually closing the Clyde to vessels with mobile gear. The consultation closes on 13th Nov and we feel that the EKCC should add our voice to the consultation. We had a discussion about what we wanted to say about it – Shelagh reminded us that we are always being told that the job of the CC is to be accountable to government bodies and if we don’t respond it would be regrettable. A member of the public suggested that we word it – “we as a fishing community would like to continue as a fishing community” all agreed and Shelagh agreed to take this forward on our behalf. Shelagh also encouraged the new council to keep up communications with the Fish Farm and to keep in mind the things they promised at conception – local jobs and benefits to the local community – and to ensure that they deliver on this. AOCB • Robert is our representative on the Crime prevention panel and he brought us an example of a poster that he intends to put up in the area – re dog fouling. • Stuart has received a letter from ABC re – the play area and the poor state of some of the equipment. Robert has volunteered to liaise with the new Well Park committee. Stuart will send a copy of email/letter from ABC to new committee and ask them for completion of jobs asap. Shelagh suggested an “all users” of Wellpark field meeting with the EKCC . EKCC own the field and have expectations from the users. Recently locks were changed without informing or gaining permission from the EKCC. • Eleanor said that Craig McNally a senior health promotion specialist (drugs and alcohol) from NHS has asked to attend a meeting and to address the meeting with some information on drugs and alcohol consumption. All agreed that this would be useful and Eleanor will get in touch with Craig. • Eleanor reported that she had contacted the GRAB trust re - community composting, and they are unable to anything to help us. She asked if it would be worth contacting the forestry and has agreed to do this. It was suggested that we may have enough local experience to create our own site; the new community council will take this forward. • Shelagh asked for it to be minuted that she has resigned because she feels that the EKCC has become toothless and she feels hugely disappointed, especially when 2 projects, that she felt would have made a huge difference to our community were rejected by the EKCC. She concluded by saying that she hopes one day that there will be C3and a Slip in Carradale and by wishing the remaining councillors the best of luck. • Cathy asked for it to be minuted also that she heartily agrees with Shelagh’s remarks. • Stuart reminded Cathy that Stuart offered Abbeyfield ‘s support to work with C3, and it had been rejected. 9. Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.09pm Click HERE to comment to this blog entry. (C)Copyright The Carradale Goat 2010 |