14-02-14 Dog Fouling Still A Problem
Press Release Argyll & Bute Council

14 February 2014

Dog fouling – Tarbert, Ardrishaig and Lochgilphead

Dog fouling in Mid-Argyll and Kintyre has been getting worse over the last three months, with Tarbert being one of the main problem areas.

The three worst areas in Tarbert are Croft Park, the harbour front and the far end of Pier Road at the area, known locally as ‘the concrete’.

Argyll and Bute Council has stepped up patrols in the area at various times of the day.

This week two dog owners have been issued with £40 fixed penalties for failing to clean up after their dogs.

Patrols will continue at varying times.

We would like to encourage any members of the public to report dog fouling in their area and, if possible, supply information such as the person responsible, the type of dog involved and the time and place the person walks their dog.

While concerned residents can report incidents of dog fouling anonymously, we would encourage them to give us their contact details so that we can speak to them again if we need any further information and to inform them of any developments.

There is a similar situation in Lochgilphead and Ardrishaig. These areas are also being patrolled, with a £40 fine being issued in Lochgilphead recently.

Failing to clean up after your dog is not acceptable.

Anyone caught failing to pick up after their dog, at the least, will be issued a £40 fixed penalty notice that rises to £60 if not paid within 28 days.

A fixed penalty is offered as an alternative to prosecution but the council does not have to issue a fixed penalty. Any offender may be reported to the Procurator Fiscal, which can lead to a fine of £500.

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