13-12-07 You Better Slow Down Speedy Gonzalez
Following on from earlier reports of reduced speed limits on the roads within the village, a number of official notices have sprung up recently advising of proposed reductions.

The notice is a little puzzling as it refers to a section of the B842 Claonaig-Southend road, a stretch of some 38 miles. One would have thought Argyll & Bute Council could have been a little more specific than that.

The other section referred to is the B879 Pier Road in Carradale and is understood to be between the Tosh's Park turning to the School.

Full details of the proposals are, apparently, available for inspection in both of the village's Post Offices, as well as the not-so-accessible council offices in Lochgilphead, and I shall be trying to find time to take a look at these tomorrow.

Regardless of the pros and cons of reducing the speed limit on these sections of road, there are questions which have to be asked, such as:

  • Are they justified?

  • How will they be enforced?

  • Why aren't the details available on the council's website?
[Speed Reductions in Carradale]

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