13-03-10 Salmon Galore
LAKELAND MARINE Salmon Farm invitation.

Well after a lot of hard work we finally got the fish farm set up and the nets are in ready for the fish to arrive.

We're taking delivery of half a million young salmon over the next few days.

The first delivery is late on Thursday evening with the second delivery on Sunday morning at the more reasonable time of 10am.

So Lakeland marine would like to invite amyone from the local community to come along on Sunday morning (10am at the harbour) and watch the young fish being delivered.

There'll be food and drink aboard the boat "John Arthur", so come along and please dress for the weather, hopefully it'll be sunny.

Richard Howarth
Site Manager

JD News

Lakeland have a fish rearing plant just north east of Penrith in Cumbria, click HERE for further information.A live fish carrier ship the Viktoria Viking similiar to one which i worked with a couple of years back has departed from Workington in Cumbria enroute to Carradale with the young salmon.

This is a state of the art ship with all the mod cons and can transport live fish all over the place keeping them alive for days in their built in tanks.The ship is due to arrive at around 8.00pm tonight to await discharging the smolts on Sunday morning.Check out the ships movement HERE.

Photos of the Ronja Viking similiar to the Viktoria and the tanks with the live fish.The fish in the tank (middle pic) you see are about 6 to 7kg salmon which are about to be harvested.

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