11-03-10 Carradale Primary School
News update March.
With thanks to Lynn Galbraith and Sheena Ramsay for report.
The school recently held a very successful book fair which had the Jurassic theme. The pre school children coloured a dinosaur picture, P 1 - 4 sketched their own picture of a dinosaur and the P 5- 7 made dinosaur models which, great thought and work went into. They were all judged by the public who came along to the open night. Refreshments were served along with cakes and nibbles the children had made as part of their weights and measuring topic. Book sales amounted to £373.
![[The Carradale Goat]](../clips/bookfair3.jpg)
The children recently organized a very successful Burns Lunch as part of their enterprise work. From planning the menu, making and sending invitations to welcoming the people on the day, they did it all and it was a great success. Thanks go to Mrs. H Baxter for helping to make the corsages and Mrs. M Gosling for demonstrating how to make tablet; with the help of Mrs. Ramsay the children made oatcakes and learned how to make a clootie dumpling. Thanks go to Mrs. Ramsay for cooking the delicious lunch.
![[The Carradale Goat]](../clips/burns3.jpg)
The P 4- 7 classes have been training hard towards running a mile for Sport Relief with the help of Miss Galbraith and Miss Owen. This event will take place on the 15th March. The younger children will walk the mile instead.
The whole school took part in a live video conference with the author Michael Rosen on Thursday 4th March. Over a thousand schools took part in this event.
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