11-02-08 Springlike Weather
It's a beautifully springlike in Carradale today with blue skies, no rain, and mild temperatures.

All around us are signs that winter might just be starting to end, with flowers popping out of the ground and birds singing their little hearts out above us.

Speaking of birds, early birds about might have noticed the cargo ship Red Duchess steaming up the Kilbrannan Sound and past Carradale at around 8:30 this morning, en route to collect another load of timber at Ardrishaig. No doubt we'll see her heading back later today or tomorrow.

Harry Taggart (or is it Collins?) writes thus to admonish us for our extravagant and decadent lifestyle:
"People in general, especially the ones with more money than sense are buying loads of unneeded, and unused material { most of the plastic stuff being lugged from China, with a giantic Carbon foot-print] to be then tossed out for the Council to deal with.

We can all help to restrict our careless use of materials; with proper planning a mounthly refuse collection should be ample, especially for a family of only five.
your`s harry taggart."
[Springlike Weather in Carradale]

Whilst Harry's point on packaged and pre-processed goods being transported long distances is a fair one, his intimate and almost encyclopedic knowledge of the contents of our wheelie-bin is slightly disturbing.

The point being missed here, of course, is that people are not at fault for expecting to receive the services for which they have already paid.

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