10-10-05 Halloween is Coming
There's to be a Halloween Party in the Glen Bar on Saturday, 29 October 2005, starting at 8pm.

Music by DJ Jamie G and there will be prizes for the best and worst fancy dress. Over 18s Only.

This was a great night last year so let's see if we can top that.

Down at Waterfoot the boats are being taken out of the water in anticipation of wintery weather.

It's a handy spot to moor them through the summer but is a bit exposed when the storms come blowing up the sound.

Soon the only boat left will be Malc's.
From: Jimmy McCallum
Date: 9 October 2005
Subject: Football

Jimmy McCallum, numpty defender from A&B Athletic here. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed my day in Carradale and I know all the rest of the lads felt the same way despite the hammerin' (Six lucky goals mind you!). Enjoyed the after match therapy but my whole body needs a transplant today. Any good masseurs in Carradale?
P.S. Wonderful website.

From: Nona
Date: 8 October 2005
Subject: Carradale Past Resident

My name is Nona I lived in Carradale for a year (1974) with the Ritchie family. Brian Gee will remember me. How about some photos of Brians house and also the Ritchies, and Chatty Ritchies house. Brian will be able to point them out to you, also would love to see what the Crubin looks like now!
See if Nonnie remembers me.
I enjoyed your site, thanks

From: Bamber31
Date: 4 October 2005

Just like to say how impressed I was with the site. My family used to holiday in Carradale every year when we were little with my aunt and uncle and their 2 kids we had many a happy holiday spent there. In the last week Gordon goldie has tracked me down through friends reunited and told me about the web site, its brought back many happy memories, hopefully we will manage a trip back to Carradale one of these days. (Family was Sandra and Bobby Gallacher (Appleby) Kay and Iain Thompson, kids Greer, Mark Gallacher and Gillian and Leslie Thompson
[Halloween in The Glen, Carradale]

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