There's the pitter-patter of tiny feet in our house at the moment. Yes, the cat's had her kittens! Two black ones, one ginger and another sort of sandy. The mother, Izzy, is 3/4 Siamese so it should be interesting to see what the kittens features are like. | ![]() |
On Tuesday, 11 July 2006 there is the be a meeting of the Carradale Activity Playpark Committee. This will be at 7pm in the pavillion on the Wellpark field. This is to discuss a future fund-raising event and all interested people are invited to come along. | |
Saddell & Carradale Church are hosting a Finger Buffet Lunch on Sunday 23 July 2006 in Carradale village hall from 1pm. Admission is £5 for adults and £3 for children. All are welcome. |
There's to be an Auction Sale at the Village Hall on Saturday, 29 July 2006, from 2:30pm. The hall will be open for viewing the lots from 1pm. This is a great opportunity to get rid of surplus items and make some money into the bargain so dust-off that spare lawn mower, collection of exotic carvings, or Ming vase and get it under the hammer. Remember that the hall will take 10% and you can specify a reserve if you wish. |