09-07-05 EKCC And Other Fishy Business
Twas the EKCC meeting last night and a fairly quiet affair it was too. We arrived a bit late (the new 7pm start is catching us out!) but hopefully didn't miss much.

Report by the treasurer with reference to reorganising the accounts to take better advantage of interest.

Brief discussion on the status of projects which had received grant funding from the EKWFT. There is also a proposal to re-structure the way windfarm money is distributed amongst the communities in the area when new windfarms are built or extended. The proposal is, for example, when the Bein an Tuirc extension comes on-line to cut the money given to EKWFT and WKWFT to 50% and distribute the rest to the other CCs such as the Laggan. This wouldn't affect the money East and West Kintyre WFTs get at the moment but could pave the way for them to receive funding from other windfarms such as Tangy when/if it is extended.

The Harbour Users Association has applied for additional funding from the FIFG to supplement the money already set aside by Argyll & Bute council for repairs and renovations to Carradale Harbour and pier. It was noted that a condition of the FIFG money is that it can only be spent on fishing-related projects, not leisure-related. It was hoped that additional funding may be available from HIE and other bodies.

The consultant commissioned to prepare a report on the future development of the harbour was expected to deliver his report at the end of next week. The report focusses on a number of issues including the continued use of the harbour by the Carradale fishing fleet, facilities for visiting and resident pleasure craft, and as a base for Lakeland Marine's planned cod farm.

The playpark committee are still deciding upon how to go about repairs to the pavilion by the football pitch. A quotation has been received from a local builder/joiner. The goal posts have been erected and the nets fitted. Enthusiasm remains high for re-forming Carradale FC and there is a meeting on Saturday morning to discuss this. The pitch itself has been cleared and cut a number of times now and is looking very good. It is expected that the first match will take place in a few weeks time and will be against a team from Lochranza. Hopefully the pavilion will be fully repaired in time for the first home match.

Renewal of the fencing around the playing fields has been approved and a contractor is to attend to this as soon as they have a slot in their diary. Part of the cost is being met by the Forestry Commission.

Repairs to the Network Centre have yet to be done and it was noted that the Heritage Centre is still not open for visitors. Visiting exhibitions are lined-up as added features.

The recycling bins are still awaiting relocation to the harbour carpark by Argyll & Bute council.

Police news. It was reported that two juveniles had been charged with committing the vandalism to the pavilion. (GoatNote:See earlier blogs). Statistics from the last traffic speed survey (Nov.2004) indicated a maximum speed of only 33mph along the stretch of road from Dippen Bridge to the turning by The Glen.

A letter has gone to the Boundary Commission objecting to the proposed re-zoning of Carradale towards Tarbert, pointing out the historical links the village has with Campbeltown.

Land marked as a possible development area on the final draft of the A&B Local Plan was discussed, in particular that adjacent to the play park. It was felt that this was inappropriate and a request will be made to have it removed or re-designated.

A meeting with the Rights of Way Officer had taken place over three incidents where members of the public were denied access to land they felt they should have access to. Details of these incidents were not discussed at the meeting but it is intended to obtain leaflets explaining people's rights and obligations under the act.

The subject of brush-cutting and verge maintenance by Argyl & Bute was raised. It was pointed-out that the road north from Carradale to Skipness is particularly hazardous at the moment due to heavily overgrown verges and that despite an email from the council stating that cutting had begun there appeared to be little evidence of this on the road north, although cutting has taken place on the Carradale to Campbeltown road. It was also reported that the verges on the road to Port Righ are badly overgrown.

Mono Consultants have written to the council concerning proposed works to upgrade the equipment on the mast at Port Righ which would result in improved service for Orange mobile phone users. There was no objection to this as this is an upgrade of existing services, not a new installation. (GoatNote:Anyone know whether that mast carries TETRA?)

Quotations have been requested for renewing the various signs and waymarkers around the village. Examples of the two designs were shown. These will be discussed when the quotations return.

Dog fouling - it was mentioned that the dog waste bins funded by the Windfarm Trust have been received from the manufacturers. The Forestry Commission have agreed the two sites on Sally's Walk and it is expected these will be erected in the next week or two, after the Forestry have felled a dead tree.

The subject of continued storm water problems in Saddell was raised but this is yet to be addressed by the water board or Argyll & Bute council.

The condition of the road surface at the head of the road to Waterfoot, outside the farm, was raised. The surface is in a very poor condition and the council have agreed in principle to re-surfacing it. A formal request for this to be done will be sent.

A 'Mystery Stone Mason' was encountered in the vicinity of the war memorial and who identified himself as baing the man who would be pointing and re-cutting the lettering on the memorial. No-one seems to know who he is although he was reported as being 'bearded' :o)@ Common agreement was that he was probably someone associated with the Employability team who have agreed to clear and tidy the area around the memorial when they have completed their work at Brackley Cemetary.

And finally a report was given on the recent Dive Safety Meeting held in the village, particularly with regard to one person's insistence that the chairperson of the EKCC should leave the meeting, and also that two attending Police Constables should also leave, stating that it was not a meeting for the general public to attend but only for people directly involved in the industry.

He also requested that a representative of the Fishing Industry Training Association (also an East Kintyre Community Councillor) also leave, but this latter gentleman stood his ground and in the abscence of any other support the earlier person himself left.

The meeting organised by the Health and Safety Executive was reportedly very productive and not at all what it had been rumoured to be. The HSE representatives were naturally quite befuddled by all this and are stated as having had no objections to members of the public attending the meeting.

In the absense of any other business the meeting closed at around 8:20pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 1 September 2005, at 7pm in the village hall.

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