08-10-07 Playing Catch Up
Have a lot of catching up to do from last week.

There was a good turnout of villagers to last week's meeting of the East Kintyre Community Council, including county councillors Rory Colville for South Kintyre and John McAlpine for Kintyre and the Islands.

Lynn Hammal from Opportunity Kintyre gave a short presentation on the services the organisation can provide for new and existing businesses.

Two representatives of Argyll & Bute Council then attempted to explain the recent changes to the way community care was being provided on Kintyre, which directly affects not only the people receiving the care but also some people's jobs. The main bone of contention appears to be over 'lifting and the use of hoists' and appears to be currently with unions for discussion. It looks unlikely that any change in operations will happen before the first quarter of next year, unfortunately.

Following the stepping-down of the Secretary at the previous meeting it was agreed that in the absence of anyone willing to take on the post an external minutes secretary would be advertised for, with council correspondense being dealt with by whichever councillor was most suitable.
[East Kintyre Windfarm Trust]
It was announced that there had been eight (or nine) applications lodged for funding from the next tranche of grants from East Kintyre Windfarm Trust. These would be discussed at a meeting when all of the trustees could attend.

There were no planning matters requiring attention and the meeting went on to consider any other business, one item of which was to do with parental choice (or lack of it) for children's schooling in Carradale. More about this in a separate entry.

[GoatNote: Have added more photos sent in by visitors to the village. These are in the Gallery.

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