07-03-09 Mary McMillan
Carradale woman recognised........
Mary McMillan from the Shore Road and a well know figure throughout the area reached the final three in the Women in Public Life Awards.(click on name for link to website)
Mary,since retiring as a nurse and having to care for her husband Donnely for years, has always been on the go.
With all her voluntary work and especially with the residential home ABBEYFIELD CARRADALE (click on name for link to website)
for whom myself knows the amount of time and care she puts in with the residents and in her position as a member of the Committee.
One of Mary's other passions is the care of all birds and animals if found sick ,lost or in need of a home.
A well deserved mention for a loving, kind woman of whom all would agree.
![[The Carradale Goat]](../clips/mary2.jpg)
From: Robert McBrayne
Date: 16th March 2009
Subject: Re:Mary McMillan
Hi there Carradale
If anyone deserves an honour it's Mary. Having had personal experience with my late Mother I know exactly what an asset Mary is - Carradale is indeed fortunate to have her.
Bert MacBrayne
From: Ken Paterson
Date: 19th March 2009
Subject: Re Mary McMillan
Please pass my regards to Mary McMillan and, particularly, Donnelly whom I have known for around 60 years.
I haven't looked at The Goat for many months but had some spare time to-day and saw the piece re. Mary.
I am Ken Paterson, grandson of Tom and Jessie of Jakmen Lodge and Cottage. I was evacuated to them at the beginning of the war and came of school age then so my first school was at Carradale -a lo-o-ong time ago. Jessie was, of course, sister to George (Baker!) and aunt to John, Colin, Doddie, Maisie and Jean.
I fell heir to Jakmen Cottage from my uncle, Jack who retired to Jakmen Lodge. Sadly he and his wife Christine have also passed on but I keep in touch with their daughter, my cousin, Mhairi in Vancouver. As I now live in Kinross, and my family are in or have recently been in Delhi, Mombasa and Cambridge, I reluctantly sold the Cottage to Norman Witter (sadly departed) and Joan. With my wife, Shireen, I visited Carradale last year and will be down again sometime soon but I am sure that the place has continued to change.
Ken Paterson
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