![]() | Thursday 9th January 2014. Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 19 December 2013 DRAFT Minutes Present: Stuart Irvine (Convenor), Lindsey Mercer, Robert Strang, Dominic Ryan, Hilary Oman, Eleanor Sloan (Secretary). 1 Councillor – John McAlpine. 12 Members of the public 1. Welcome and apologies: At 7pm - Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting. Apologies from Elisabeth McMillan and Ronnie Brownie. Speakers • Stuart introduced Rolland and Norman from the Ugadale company “Tree of Life” Norman told us that from Peninver to Saddell there is no broadband service, and that they have been asking BT to supply it for the last 15 years. Apparently the cables are there they just need to connect to them. They have asked EKCC to support them in their campaign to get connected. They left a petition and a survey that have been circulated locally. ACTION – EKCC will put this on the agenda at the February meeting. • Alan Milstead (representing Network Carradale Ltd) told us that they have got the grant needed to take the Slip Project forward, they are now working on the lease agreement and will be applying for planning permission in March. • Alistair Bennett told us that Network Carradale have various projects ongoing but nothing else to update. 2. Treasurers report – opening balance As of midday on 28/11/13 The balance of the EKCC bank account stands at Ł2398.03 3. Dates of Future Meetings We agreed future meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month. However in January John McAlpine has arranged to have representatives from the road department to come and address any issues we have, so we agreed to dedicate that meeting to roads alone. The date for this will be 09/01/2014. Many thanks to John McAlpine for arranging this for us. The next meeting after that will be 13/02/2014. 4. Feedback from Anne Horn Stuart received an email from Anne with responses to the issues raised at the last meeting. • The B842 will be monitored to ensure SSE keep it clean and safe – ACTION - ongoing • Gritting the B842 is in discussion with SSE and will be dealt with when conditions and resources permit – ACTION - ongoing • Wrong positioning of white lines near the Network Centre and The Surgery, this matter has been raised with the surface contractor, and will be dealt with asap. ACTION – to be addressed • Bollard at hall path end – a bollard will be put in position. ACTION – to be addressed • Speeding traffic on Shore Road, a monitor to check speeds will be set up, and locals are asked to identify any culprits and pass info to ABC, they will raise it with the police. ACTION – speed monitor to be put in place, locals to be vigilant. 5. Emergency Plan Eleanor reported that she has met with Shelagh Cameron, Alan Walker and Kate Trott about a public meeting, it was agreed not to have a public meeting for now but to email the plan to ABC in the form of an interim plan ASAP, and to put together a sub group, made up from volunteers from the community, to discuss and prepare the details of the plan. Johnny Durnan questioned the length of time it has taken to reach this point. Dominic asked for all councillors to receive a copy of the interim plan before it is submitted to ABC. ACTION – ES and Shelagh to send plan to EKCC councillors and ABC, then ES to arrange subgroup ASAP 6. Playpark Scott Gosling and John Lynn attended and asked for a letter to be read out on their behalf- proffering their (and Bryony Galbraiths) resignations, from the Playpark committee, they said they felt they had taken on the roles without realising how much work was needed to be done and when they asked the local community to help them they got very little support. The EKCC agreed that as a matter of urgency a new committee be set up or the play park will have to remain closed. ACTION – Wellpark management will be put on February’s agenda to take the matter forward. 7. SSE Nothing to report 8. Tinkers track Robert has wire and will put it on the bridge in question ACTION – Robert to put wire on bridge. 9. Bollards /ownership of path Stuart has spoken to Colin Burgess, who is happy to let the village use the path, Stuart will produce a document to cover EKCC’s outlying plans of the upkeep of the path, Colin said he does not want bollards on his land, it is intended that they will be on the road side, Colin is happy to have someone clear the rhododendrons near the entrance of the path to help with visibility. Stuart is arranging signs for the path and the road. ACTION – Robert to arrange to clear the rhododendrons at path entrance, Stuart to arrange the road and path signs 10. Roads Any issues regarding roads will be discussed at the meeting 09/01/2014 11. Antler Dominic Ryan is resigning from being the editor of the Antler, he has too much work and has received a lot of criticism and hassle over time and no longer wants to be involved. Stuart responded on behalf of the EKCC “It is with great regret that Dominic Ryan is tendering his resignation from producing the Antler and was forced into this decision as a result of adverse criticism” Tom Adams suggested a group getting together to put out a winter edition, Stuart said that he has been having talks with folk locally about taking over producing the Antler, however the printer is still not working. ACTION - Stuart and Tom to look into future possibilities for the Antler, printer to be fixed ASAP 12. Minutes of previous meeting The minutes from 28/11/13 were read and after one amendment • (AOCB – Gloria Siggins has offered to help with fundraising to renovate the memorial garden, and not the actual renovation work) Amended minutes were approved by Lindsey Mercer and seconded by Robert Strang. We discussed the dispersal of the draft minutes and the public felt that the Antler and the Goat should also receive a copy of the draft minutes, at the moment they are sent to ABC and EKCC members only. A vote was taken and 4 were in favour of sending the minutes out to the Goat and the Antler and 2 were against, and so it was agreed. We discussed the ACTION points on the minutes and it was agreed they are a useful addition – one comment was “ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN MINUTES” ACTION – ES to email minutes in draft form and approved form to EKCC and Johnny Durnan (The Goat website). Stuart to email the draft minutes and the approved minutes through to ABC. 13. AOCB • Lindsey asked if anyone had received the minutes from the Inaugural meeting with Charles Reppke. ACTION - ES to chase up • Deidre Henderson from McMillan Cancer Care has asked to attend the next meeting to talk about the work they are doing locally. ACTION – ES to invite her to the February meeting. 14. Stuart thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.36pm Click HERE to comment to this blog entry. (C)Copyright The Carradale Goat 2010 |