05-07-16 EKCC Meeting
Thursday 7th July 2016 also minutes of previous meeting.
Meeting held in Carradale Village Hall 2nd June 2016
Stuart Irvine(SI)(Convenor), Eleanor Sloan (ES)(Secretary), Robert Strang (RS), Ronnie Brownie(RB), Bill Bidmead(BB) Morag Adams(MA)
In attendance –
John MacAlpine(JM), PC Harper (PH)
Chris Read and Garth Butterfield from Marine Harvest. Stewart Clarke from Harbours & Piers ABC
10 Members of the public (MoP)
1. Welcome
At 7pm – Stuart Irvine welcomed attendees and started the meeting.
2. Apologies
Apologies from – Robin Currie, Anne Horn, Charles McMillan, Ian Brodie
3. Stewart Clarke – ABC Harbours and Piers
The first of the harbour users group meeting was held this evening – there was a large turnout at the meeting, amongst other things they looked at plans for a development group. They are hoping for more fishermen to be involved in the meetings. They plan to send the draft minutes of the first meeting to the fishermen for their feedback. Regular meetings will be set up and will be open to all. All minutes from this meeting will be fed up to the EKCC.
Stewart give us a brief update on roads – surface dressing chips – currently at the harbour car park will getting used over the summer and the hopes are they will be moved by the day of the Carradale canter. These chips will be used to cover the pieces of road that have been repaired from Cloanaig to Crossaig. He also thanked SSE for all the work they have done over the two years on the roads.
Stewart was asked to pass on concerns that there is overrun on the verges north of Crossaig.
Stewart was asked about the issues regarding the untidiness of machinery at the harbour and the public road, there are concerns that the public bus will stop turning at the harbour. Apparently the ground is not part of the public road but it is owned by the council and the issues are with the council’s legal dept.
4. Marine Harvest
Chris Read and Garth Butterfield from Marine Harvest, told us that they are keen to develop in other areas of the coast – and are hoping for more cages south of Carradale. At the moment there are 10 people working in Carradale and it is hoped that the new extension will bring 5 or 6 more jobs. If anyone has any questions please contact Stuart Irvine for Marine harvests contact details.
5. Confirm Governance Trustee
There is a vacancy for a co-opted member on the windfarm and two people have shown interest Lesley Prag and Sheelagh Cameron – Lesley was proposed by ES, seconded by RS, 3 votes for Lesley. Sheelagh was proposed by BB and seconded by RB, 2 votes for Sheelagh.
Lesley will be invited to join the East Kintyre Wind Farm Trust.
6. Minutes of last meeting – 12/5/16
3 dogs poo bins are a definite possibility – positions discussed and agreed – top and bottom of bay field and shore road – SI to contact land owners for permission to put up bins
Minutes proposed by RB, seconded by RS
Action – SI to contact landowners
7. Short report on ECCCWFT meeting 12/5/16
There were 14 applications and 13 of them were approved – some with full amount or reduced amount. One application for refurbishment of the playpark was rejected but EKCC were keen to reassure the playpark committee that we will support their plans any other ways we can – a meeting to this end will be arranged soon. The last time that there was an insurance check on the play park was June 2014. EKCC agreed to fix the fence asap.
SI suggested that EKCC take on more responsibility in the maintenance of Wellpark including any jobs, they should be responsible for organising and paying for any repairs and that this should be reflected in rents that are paid for use of Wellpark. All agreed that this was a good idea – SI to write up a proposal and email out to all council members.
Action – SI to write and send out to EKCC
8. Treasurers report
The balance as of 2/6/16 was £1217.38
9. Local Government Boundary Commission
The proposals for this are with the Scottish Government.
10. Letter to A&B re harbour
A letter has been sent to Cleland Sneddon and Charles Reppke – a reply has been received from Charles Reppke. It said that the issue of bus turning and things being left on the council ground at the harbour are being looked at by the council’s legal dept.
11. Village signs
The north wards village sign is ow in position – RS pointed out that some parts of the sign have not been painted.
12. Planning
Roof replacement for Dunara – no objections.
13. First responder scheme
Scottish ambulance service are still in the preparation stages of this. Wind farm trust agreed to put aside money to supply defribillators for this service.
Putting an outside defribillator on the village hall was suggested and after discussion it was agreed that if the village hall wanted to take this forward EKCC and the wind farm trust would support this.
14. Emergency Plan
ES reported that the meeting took part and the amendments to the plan will be put in place soon.
15. AOCB
• SI suggested EKCC employ someone to take on care for the village in the form of litter picking etc – perhaps one hour a day, five days a week. It was suggested to contact the Community payback team who may be able to help with this. JM offered to look into this for us.
Action – JM to look into Community payback
It was discussed that perhaps we need a village manager who can oversee different projects that are on going in the village after discussion it was apparent that a job description for this post would be the first step.
• It was suggested that SEPA are asked to sample the water at the harbour.
Action – SI to contact SEPA
• RB asked if the Alan Oman has a licence for running a scrap yard – it was suggested that he does not regard it as scrap yard. JM offered to get more information regarding storage of equipment guidelines.
Action – JM to get more info
• Police report – ES asked if EKCC would like to add a Police report to their agenda as it is regularly on the WKCC agendas – Nic Harper agreed to pass on any relevant information at the meeting whether or not it was on the agenda.
• EKCC September meeting is booked to take place in Peninver Village hall – 8th Sept 2016 at 7pm
• It was pointed out that Brackley cemetery grass cutting will be stopping – JM agreed to address this for us
Action – JM to look into
• There is a sewage smell at Port Righ – SI to contact Scottish water to ask them to look into this.
Action – SI to contact Scottish water
• SI said that the new bridge at the beach needs to be stained, RS will look into.
Action – RS to sort out staining of bridge
16. Date of next meeting
7pm – 7/7/2016
Stuart closed the meeting at 8.32pm and thanked everyone for attending.
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