05-06-10 Corran Mhor Man Takes To The Skies
Bob Jeffrey from Waterfoot on seeing my post of my flight sent me these pics.

I shall get all the details of his flight on his return to his home in Carradale.Bob standing by the aircraft from LOCH LOMOND SEA PLANES who operate from the shores of Loch Lomond.Click on the highlighted text for website.

[The Carradale Goat] [The Carradale Goat]
From: Forbes Ferguson
Date: 16th June 2010
Hello Carradale Goat,
Good to see Bobs aviation quests highlighted, Bobs quite an adventurer maybe when you track him down if he’s got a couple of hours he can give you the run down on one of his other quests.[He did last night Forbes,showing me the photo]
When he was the chief “PLANE MAN ON VANGUARD NUCLEAR SUBMARINE”.[Like myself on HMS Spartan and plenty of photos to show]
His Trusty Companion on both occasions.
Forbes Ferguson MBE. Cmd.CSC.

From: David Frost
Date: 17th June 2010
What a handsome man (wee smiley).

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