05-05-05 The Ballot Box Cometh
General Election Day has arrived and the Polling Station is open in Carradale.

The Primary School is being used as the Polling Station and is open from 7am until 10pm. The kids are all at home today, enjoying an extra days holiday. It's a pity the weather isn't better though as they're rather stuck indoors unless it improves.

Whatever your views on Iraq, taxation, fishing or dozens of other topics, this election promises a few upsets in the marginals, and perhaps even a few in seats that were thought safe.

Onto other things though, and Carradale Camera Club is holding it's AGM tonight in the Network Centre at 7:30pm.
Also this week, the Carradale branch of the RNLI is holding it's AGM on Friday at 7:30pm in The Glen Bar.

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