Onto other things though, and my eldest son has been back in school for a week following his temporary exclusion for a fraca on the school bus and has been successful in keeping out of trouble.
The same can't be said for the lad he was involved in the trouble with and who has succeeded in getting several other boys temporarily excluded in the last few days. Strangely enough little or nothing has happened to him and he is still in school, pleading innocence as his defence. No visitor to Campbeltown in the last week can have failed to notice the large cargo chip moored alongside the ferry pier. This is being loaded with parts for the towers of wind turbines which are manufactured at the Vestas Celtic plant at Machrihanish. I understand this consignment is part of an order destined for Greece. The Vestas plant provides valuable jobs in the Campbeltown area and employs many of the skilled workers formerly employed in shipbuilding.
| ![[Cargo Ship]](..\clips\vestas1.jpg) |